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Free Murder Mystery Games

Author: Murder Mystery  Date: 19 December 2022

Would you like a free murder mystery game?

Paste the following information as a status update onto your personal Facebook profile, and we will send you a discount code that you can use on this website. The code will give you $79 to purchase any of our standard edition murder mystery games for almost free at $1. Alternatively you can use the $79 as a discount towards any of our other games. Pay the $1 with your credit card and you will instantly access the game.

To redeem the code, you need to take a screenshot of your facebook post and email it to us at The Facebook post must be at least 24 hours old when you take the screenshot. To take a screenshot, you can use the "Prt Scr" button on a Windows computer and paste it into a Word document.

Copy and past the text below to get your free murder mystery game

---Start copy and paste---

I'm feeling lucky today, I just received a free murder mystery game. I will be using it for my upcoming murder mystery party. If you want to get a free murder mystery game as well, just go to the website below.

That site has all the instructions to get your free game.

---End of copy and paste---

how to host a murder mystery party in 3 steps

Our Murder Mystery Party Games

Click a game to learn more

Boxed or Download - Adult murder mystery games

Download Only - Adult murder mystery games

Teenager murder mystery games

Adult and teenager party games (no murder)

Kids' party games (no murder)

Mini Murder Mystery Party F.A.Q.

Click here to view our full F.A.Q.

    • How much do murder mystery games cost? Click the game images above to see prices.
    • Do we need a host? It is up to you. You purchase a game from us then run it yourself or hire a murder mystery host.
    • Are you available on...? Click hire a murder mystery host. Contact the hosts to check their availability.
    • Does everyone get a character? Sure do.
    • What do I get? Our murder mystery games contain between 100 and 300 items to make your party fabulous.
    • Can I ask questions? Yes please. Click "Contact Us" above.

How does a murder mystery party work?

Murder Mystery Games

Our copyright rules short version

If you are making money from the game e.g. selling tickets to a show, using it for commercial clients, using it as a training tool for paying participants, you may only use the game once.

If you are NOT making money from the game e.g. holding a party for yourself or your work, you may use the game as many times as you like.

We want to help you make a profit from our games. Purchase a game, sell tickets and make money.

© 2025

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